For those in the Top End, the National Science Week fun hasn’t ended! In response to the last minute lockdown during National Science Week, many events in the Northern Territory were postponed. Luckily, they are now able to go ahead — subject to any further changes to COVID-19 restrictions. Here are some of the re-scheduled National Science Week events coming up in the NT.
Friday 27 August
Nature Detectives: Go Wild with Science! | 9:30am – 11:00am, Knuckey Lagoon Nature Reserve
A fun and interactive science-based nature play session for families with young explorers aged 2-5 years. This event is all about getting families outside in nature to stop, look and learn more about natural environments.
Children will examine and investigate science in a range of play-based activities and learn more about local wildlife through an up close and personal animal encounter with Top End Critters. Bookings essential.
City of Darwin Libraries STEAM Zone – Magical Microbiology | 3:30pm – 4:30pm, Darwin City Library
Join Darwin City Library for the National Science Week STEAM Zone. Explore a miniature world that is all around you, even though you can’t see it with Magical Microbiology! Take a closer look at helpful and harmful bacteria, learn to create a microscope slide, and play with giant virus and bacteria toys.
Sunday 29 August
CDU Open Day Nest Box Painting | 10:00am – 2:00pm, CDU Stadium
Interested in studying environmental science? Visit Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods’ stall at CDU Open Day to paint your own bird box and learn about the importance of hollows and habitat for our native wildlife. This is event is free, but registration is essential.
Saturday 4 September
STEAM Spectacular | 9:00am – 1:00pm, Charles Darwin University Brinkin & Casuarina Campuses
Charles Darwin University’s STEAM Spectacular has been re-scheduled for Saturday 4 September, with events taking place across the Brinkin and Casuarina campuses.
Test your chemistry skills by making essential oils, build your own LEGO robotics prototypes, hunt for wild bears using cutting edge tech, and so much more. You can even find out what the inside of a shark looks like (without being eaten by one).
Other events include:
- Peculiar Plant Parts — Investigate the unusual anatomical features of native plants using microscopes, magnifiers and light tables.
- DIY Fossils — Choose from a variety of objects to make your own fossil, and compare your fossil with a wide range of real NT fossils.
- School Science Experiment Exhibition — Come down and check out all the cool science experiments your local schools have been up to in National Science Week.
- Edible Native Rice — This talk will introduce this fascinating wild plant and its potential as a commercially available high-value, low-volume food.
The Science of Beer – What’s the Malternative? | 7:00pm – 10:00pm, Charles Darwin University Casuarina Campus
After last year’s hit “At yeast there’ll be beer”, CDU’s favourite beer specialists return! Follow their adventures on their new challenge trying to make a “Darwin malt”. Learn the history and science of Malt as they showcase their beer-making process. After the talk, stick around for a beer tasting with the local brewers and hear why CDU postgraduate students have chosen these brews to represent their research.
Thursday 9 September
Menzies-Ramaciotti Centre – PCR in Your Hands | 9:00am – 1:00pm, Menzies School of Health Research
The Menzies-Ramaciotti Centre is hosting a half-day of science activities for local high school students, facilitated and supervised by Menzies staff. Students will rotate through a variety of activities, including extracting DNA from a banana, performing a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), making bacteria cultures in agar plates, a tour around the Menzies Lab, and more.