The Perth Science Festival will transform Claremont Showground’s Robinson Pavilion in 2018 into a festival hub, with hands-on science activities, live performers, thriving stalls and more.
With our new venue, we are looking for new features and exciting new opportunities. We would love to hear your ideas and what your organisation would like to bring for 2018.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to engage with the public, promote your organisation, and immerse yourself in science.
Stallholder and stage show applications for Perth Science Festival 2018 are now open
Be a part of WA’s largest event on the National Science Week Calendar, with over 50 stalls and a packed stage of shows for two-days, in the Claremont Showgrounds Robinson Pavilion.
Applications close 27 May 2018
Download your application pack to apply.
Youth Committee Applications Now Open
Are you passionate about science communication, digital marketing and social media?! Each year, up to five tertiary student applicants are selected to take part in our Perth Science Festival Youth Committee work experience program.
The focus for 2018 is digital and science communication, developing and managing the Perth Science Festival social media channels and digital marketing, alongside the Festival Organising team.
Download your application – please apply by 12 May 2018.
Questions? Contact
Taylor Bartels
Phone: 08 9215 0702 or email.