The Hobart Centre of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society is running a free public lecture and forum in association with the Australian Marine Sciences Association and the University of Tasmania, at UTas Stanley Burbury Theatre in Hobart on Tuesday 18 August and UTas Newnham Campus in Launceston on Wednesday 19 August, from 6:00 to 7:30pm.
Three experts from diverse backgrounds will each speak for 15-20 minutes on the topic of the East Australian Current and its atmospheric and oceanographic impacts on Tasmania, followed by a 30-45-minute interactive panel discussion with the audience. Light refreshments will be provided at the conclusion of the event.
- Dr Mike Pook (atmospheric scientist, CSIRO Hobart)
- Dr Gretta Pecl (biological impacts, IMAS/UTAS Hobart)
- Dr Neil Holbrook (physical oceanographer, IMAS/UTAS Hobart)
- With Dr Scott Ling (IMAS/UTAS Hobart) as Master of Ceremonies
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